
reconnect sessions

FREE taster coaching series for awesome women in the creative industries ready to reconnect to their sense of joy and purpose

16 – 20 August 2021

Join me for a week of free online sessions where I'll give a taster of how I support my clients to reconnect to themselves and their vision, helping them to reimagine a life more in alignment with their values

Over the week, I'll share some of the tips and tools I've used to help my clients progress from confusion and overthinking to clarity and conviction. Plus I'll give you a sneaky peek of some of the programmes I have coming up over the next few months and into the new year.

Most live sessions will be via a private Reconnect Sessions Facebook group (and available to watch on replay if you can't make it live).
But be sure to save the date for a group Zoom call on the evening of Thursday 19 August so we can all get together and have a proper conversation!

What's this all about?

The uncertainty of the pandemic has thrown so much up in the air, prompting many of us to reassess what we value and the kind of life we want to create for ourselves. For so many, it’s unearthed a sense of dissatisfaction that may have long been lurking beneath the surface, but that we were just too busy with the day to day of life to address.

Are you…

💫  Feeling like you’re constantly busy, but not necessarily moving in the right direction?

💫  Feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unclear about what you want?
💫  Looking to reconnect to your sense of joy and purpose?
💫  Tired of an environment where you feel unfulfilled or unsupported?

A lot of us are feeling that sense of 'stuckness' that we can't quite put our finger on. The Reconnect Sessions are about helping you identify what that might be, so you can make a plan to get out of that rut and start the journey towards living a life more on your own terms.

In the Reconnect Sessions, we'll explore…

💫  Figuring out your fog – Where are you stuck?

💫  How we can use uncertainty as a catalyst for change
💫  What is it about your life that you want to shift?
💫  How to balance compassion for others with caring for yourself

If you're dedicated to doing your part to make the world a more compassionate place, but you feel like you're not quite in the right place yourself, let's talk!

After the sessions, I feel the fire in my belly reignited and I’m excited about what’s next
Museum Director

Hello lovely you!

I'm Annette Corbett, a Clarity & Leadership coach with a mission to help women like you make empowered decisions to become leaders in their own lives, through compassionate coaching and peer support.

If you're a values-driven woman in the creative industries ready to make the change from constantly serving the vision of others to reconnecting to your own identity and sense of purpose, you're in the right place.

I have almost 15 years of experience working in the cultural sector across producing, fundraising, arts management and strategy. That means I know how this sector can be, and I know how easy it is to get overwhelmed and burned out. I believe that compassion is key – compassion for those we work with, those we work for, and – perhaps most importantly – compassion for ourselves.

I'm all about helping you to be in the best possible position to live life on your own terms.

That means supporting you:

💫  to identify the life you want to live
💫  to be the best leader you can be
💫  to say no to the things that drag you down

All so you can say yes to yourself and what you do want!

Why work with me?

Because I know what it means to feel stuck in a rut and exhausted by working in service of someone else's vision instead of your own.

I understand what it's like to come to the realisation you've been putting others' needs first for so long that you've forgotten what it is you want for yourself. And I've made those big leaps that have taken me from the corporate sector, to working in the arts, and now to a career as a coach that brings me a huge amount of joy and fulfillment.

In these free coaching sessions, I want to help you reconnect to the life you want to live, so that you too can start your journey from meh to marvellous!

It’s such an amazing dynamic of women
Suzanne Alleyne, Cultural Thinker
Leading on Purpose participant
You created a safe space and led with kindness and care
Artistic Director, Theatre Company & ACE NPO

What's it like to work with me?

It helps identify what is important to you, what you really want, what may have been holding you back. Most importantly it encourages you to write action plans and start working on them
Sandra Thompson-Quartey, Artistic Director
It was so useful to have someone impartial and supportive to talk things through with and bounce ideas off of, and in just an hour I left with much more clarity about my priorities and how I was feeling. In the end it helped make a difficult decision feel simple
Miriam Sherwood, Development Manager
Coaching is like walking into a warm, safe, cozy room. You can drop your bags of worries and sit back and talk it through with someone who supports you without judgement
Alexa Ledecky, Content Curator

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